What's it about?

This blog originally had a very specific purpose: it was a place to post prompts for creative writing during the time of the lockdown. Initially it was for the use of my writing group, as we could not for the time being meet in person - but it's available now to anyone who'd like to have a go at creative writing. I very strongly believe that writing is good for you: while you're writing, you're off somewhere else - you've escaped! So off you go - have fun!

Thursday 2 May 2024

Separation (with thanks to Writing Magazine)

Convey the impact of being separated.

It's up to you to decide who is separated from someone or something; who that person is and who or what they are separated from and why. Person can be fictional or real, or you could write from your own experience.

What are the circumstances that caused the separation?

How does the person experience the separation? What do they feel about it, how do they deal with it?

Write in any style or form, and from any point of view.