Here is another task from Jenny Alexander's book. She's written other books about writing, too: see here for more information about Jenny and her books.
Poetry: Happy
Lots of people go through a phase of writing poetry in their teenage years, to help them manage and express the complicated emotions they may be buffeted by, but then, as life levels out, they stop and never return to poetry again.
I think perhaps these early experiences can mean we associate writing poetry with feelings of angst, but poetry isn't only a place for exploring and expressing difficult feelings - it can range across all the emotions in the heart's library.
What makes you happy? Make a list. It will include activities, places and people. Some will make you feel happy for a moment, others for hours, and others throughout your whole life.
Write a poem about one of them. Rhyme it, if that feels right.
Enjoy the lift that writing about happy experiences can bring.