Your prompt this week comes from a friend of mine, Linda Strachan, writer of a recently published and immensely useful guide to writing children's books, which you can see here. Linda says she didn't actually make this up, and has no idea who did - so if the author is out there, please get in touch and I'll credit you!
The starting point is an object - you can either do it about an object you have , or you can make the whole thing up and turn it into a story - up to you!
Important - do read the whole thing through before you start!
The headings give you a structure, and underneath the headings are some suggestions.
The headings give you a structure, and underneath the headings are some suggestions.
Never name the object
1 Choose an object. Describe it in detail but in the first person - picture it in your mind and make it personal.
Eg I like it because it feels smooth and I like to run my fingers over it...
2 Where did you find it, or how do you came to have it?
Eg I was standing at the side of the road…
My grandmother gave it to me for my...
3 Why is it important to you?
Eg I keep it close all the time because…
4 Say something that bothers you or worries you about it.
Eg I am terrified I will lose it and..
I am scared someone will see me with it…
5 Make a decision about it
Eg I’ve made up my mind to throw it away…
I’m going to pass it on to ______ because...
I’m going to give it to a charity because…
I’m never going to be free of it but…
BUT - never name the object!
Some objects other people have used:
Toy Car
Cuddly animal
Bottle cork
Hospital Bracelet
Here's a (brief) example:
- I like it because it feels smooth when I run my fingers over it and the mottled surface with streaks of colour.
- I was crossing the road when I found it, I'd almost stepped on it. It caught my eye so I picked it up and put it in my pocket.
- That was the day I almost got run over so I decided it was my lucky charm.
- The problem is I now never want to leave the house without it and if I find I've forgotten it I panic and have to go back for it. It rules my life, so either I have to throw it away or try to leave it behind and not go back for it. But what if I do and something happens to me or a loved one, could I bear that?
- Today I dropped it down a drain, so the deed is done. I went about my business all day and the sky never fell on me. I am free of it and I feel wonderful. I spotted another one on my way home and I almost picked it up but a car was coming and if I had I might have been run over, so perhaps I am lucky enough without it?
Did you guess? It was a pebble.